Spread Sunshine March 13-19

“Let the Sun Shine In “March 13-19 by commemorating Sunshine Week with a new feature from Missouri Press and the Missouri Sunshine Coalition.

MPA has created an informative Newspaper In Education feature that explains the importance of citizens having access to government activities and records. The feature includes information about the Sunshine Law, the Freedom of Information Act, what these laws exclude, some examples of ways they work for citizens and resources to learn more.

This new feature was created in a half-page format and is available at mo-nie.com (download code: sunshine). Sunshine Week in March is a great time to publish this feature, but it was created to be of value any time your community needs a reminder about the importance of government transparency.

“Let the Sun Shine In” was funded by the Missouri Sunshine Coalition. Visit missourisunshine.org to learn more about this nonprofit organization working to educate all Missourians about their rights and responsibilities under the Sunshine Law.

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