February is Black History Month and Missouri Press Foundation has multiple Newspaper in Education features you can use this month.
Topics available to your newspaper include features on the Emancipation Proclamation, Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech and The Civil Rights Act of 1964, among many more.
You can find these features and more at www.mo-nie.com/Constitution/ and then search the folders labeled “Civil Rights” and “Civil War Amendments.” Also, feel free to look around the mo-nie.com to see what other Newspaper in Education features you might use during other parts of the year.
Don’t forget that you also have access to this year’s NIE serial story for free until June 30. This year’s story, “An Adventure in Arrow Rock” follows a class of Missouri school children on a field trip to the historic town of Arrow Rock. Along the way, the students discover a lot more about Missouri’s history than they ever thought possible.
You can download the story by going to www.mo-nie.com, then at the top of the page enter the download code: arrowrock.
The teacher in this year’s NIE serial story is Charlie, a returning character from 2016’s “Night at the Capitol.” Your newspaper can republish that serial story through June 30 for free by going to the NIE website and using the same download code: arrowrock.
If you have questions about using NIE content in your newspaper, please reach out to NIE Coordinator Helen Headrick at hheadrick@mopress.com.