Author: Hheadrick

NIE 2018-2019 Calendar: Now Posted!

NIE just posted the calendar for the coming school year.  There are new features, solid content and plenty to

Amazing Soil Series Has A New Feature: Farmers Markets

Did you know that there are more than 8,000 farmers markets across the country?  That's four times as many

Law Day is May 1 and NIE has a feature for you!

The NIE has tied Law Day and Constitution Day together this year, with a series about the separation of

Spring Features for Your Readers

Spring has been slow in coming but it will get here and your readers will enjoy learning about birds

Newspapers in Education Week!

Newspapers In Education Week 2018 starts March 5! Join with the Missouri Press Association and the American Press Institute

Newspapers In Education Week 2018

The Missouri Press Association joins with the American Press Institute each year to encourage the use of local newspapers

Black History Month

Visit the NIE Calendar to see all of our Black History Month content.

Kali: A Polar Bear’s Tale is ready for your readers!

Kali: A Polar Bear's Tale is ready for your readers! Reading Across Missouri 2018 features Kali, an orphaned polar

Kali: A Polar Bear’s Tale

Reading Across Missouri 2018 features Kali, an orphaned polar bear cub. He made news across the country when he

Bill of Rights Day, December 15

We have three features available for Bill of Rights Day, in quarter-page and half-page sizes.  The Bill of Rights

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