Author: Kristie Fortier

Photojournalism Hall of Fame Induction | Columbia | Oct. 19, 2017

2017 Missouri Photojournalism Hall of Fame inductees announced. The Missouri Photojournalism Hall of Fame in Columbia will induct five award-winning

Deadline extended for nomination of 2018 Missouri Press officers and directors

  The Missouri Press Association nominating committee will be meeting soon to decide on candidates for 2018 MPA Second Vice President,

Political insiders panel to be featured at 151st Convention

There are less than three months until Missouri Press Association members will travel to Springfield for the 151st Annual

2017 Hall of Fame inductees named

Four newspaper people, including the former publisher of one of Missouri’s longest family-owned dailies, will be inducted in September

Protecting the public’s right to know

By Jean Maneke MPA Legal Counsel    With the 2017 regular legislative session behind us, let’s each turn our attention to

Remember to file your online copyright registration by Dec. 31

Digital housekeeping Editor’s note: The following excerpt is from Jean Maneke’s February 2017 column, which appeared in that month’s

Nominations sought for 2018 Missouri Press officers and directors

The Missouri Press Association nominating committee will be meeting in July/August to decide on candidates for 2018 MPA Second

Hotel reservations for MPA’s 151st Annual Convention now available

Reservations at the University Plaza hotel in downtown Springfield are now open. University Plaza will be the site for

Prepare for Summer Break with Feature Stories

The school year is winding down across Missouri, but there are still opportunities to use MPA’s Newspaper In Education

World War I feature now available to use

  On April 6, 1917, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution declaring war on Germany, sending America into World War

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