Category: Legislative Reports

Legislative Report: Week 9: House Steps on the Gas, Senate Pumps the Brakes

The Missouri General Assembly has completed its ninth week of session and are now focusing more time and attention

Legislative Report: Week 8: Senate Works Night Shift on Legislation

The Missouri Senate, after canceling its sessions due to wintry weather conditions during the week of Feb. 15, worked

Legislative Report: Week 7: Winter Chills Action by the Missouri General Assembly

WINTER CHILLS ACTION BY THE MISSOURI GENERAL ASSEMBLY Wintry weather, ice, snow, record-low temperatures . . . . all combined

Legislative Report: Week 6: Frigid Cold Weather, Bills Just Keep on Comin’

The Missouri General Assembly worked through snow and frigid temperatures this week as members continue to move full speed

Legislative Report: Week 5: Senate Perfects COVID Liability Protections after Marathon

The Missouri Senate began debate on Senate Bill 51 & 42 at about 2 p.m. on Tuesday and ended

Legislative Report: Week 4: State of the State Address

Missouri Governor Mike Parson presented his State of the State address on Jan. 27, to an in-person crowd, smaller

Legislative Report: Week 3: Quiet Week in the House due to Shutdown

It was a relatively quiet week in the Missouri Senate this week, but even quieter in the House of

Legislative Report: Week 2: Governor Parson Inaugurated, GA Rules & Committees

On Thursday evening, Jan. 14, the Missouri House announced it is canceling session for the coming week, Jan. 18-22.

Legislative Report: Week 1: 2021 Missouri Legislative Session Begins

NOW THAT 2020 IS IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR, GET READY FOR 2021First, mark your calendars! The 2021 legislative session

MPA Legislative Report: 2021 Missouri Legislative Session Issues

The COVID-19 pandemic is still challenging for everyone including legislators and members of the general public. In anticipation of

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