Category: Legislative Reports


The Missouri General Assembly ended the 2021 legislative session Friday, May 14 at 6:00 p.m. with some major accomplishments

Legislative Report: Week 18: Five More Legislative Days Remain

The Missouri General Assembly wrapped up a somewhat busy week in Jefferson City that ended with the passage of

Legislative Report: Week 17: Two Weeks Remain in 2021 Session

As things continue to move at a super-fast pace over the next two weeks, we plan to send a

Legislative Report: Week 16: Governor Announces Major DHSS Changes

On Tuesday, Governor Mike Parson named his deputy chief of staff Robert Knodell as acting director of the Missouri

Legislative Report: Week 15: House Speeding, Senate Leaning

Members of the Missouri House kept their pedals to the metal and sped through debate and votes on more

Legislative Report: Week 14: House and Senate Make Little Progress

Missouri legislators returned on Tuesday from their annual Easter Break and continued working on their legislative calendars. The Missouri

Legislative Report: Week 13: House Passes State Budget for FY22

The House of Representatives jumped on the budget bandwagon Tuesday, perfecting the state’s 14 budget bills during nearly eight

Legislative Report: Week 12: House Committee Crafts Fiscal Year 2021 State Budget

On Thursday, March 25th the House Budget Committee crafted their version of the state fiscal year 2021 budget. Chairman Cody

Legislative Report: Spring Break Ends, Eight Weeks To Go

Today tips off the second half of Missouri’s 2021 Regular Legislative Session. Members of the General Assembly are returning

Legislative Report: Week 10: Spring Breaking; No Legislative Action Next Week

The Missouri General Assembly is taking a break ... Spring Break ... next week. Legislators are scheduled to return

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