Category: Legislative News

Capitol Report, Sept. 16, 2011

MPANewsBook: Statehouse News for MPA Members Go to for the latest version. + Senate passes modified version of China hub

Capitol Report, Sept. 9, 2011

MPANewsBook: Statehouse News for MPA Members Go to for the latest version. + communities make strides to increase security since

Capitol Report, September 2, 2011

MPANewsBook: Statehouse News for MPA Members Go to for the latest version. + A note from Phill Friends, At the

Capitol Report, August 26, 2011

-- Our first issue for the fall Friends, Below is the first week of MPANews for the fall. A couple

Capitol Report, April 1, 2011

This is the weekly Capitol Report from the Missouri School of Journalism's State Government Reporting Program. Use as much

Capitol Report, March 25, 2011

This is the weekly Capitol Report from the State Government Reporting Program of the Missouri School of Journalism. You

Capitol Report,

  I’ve worked for the Missouri Press Association since 1979. I testified on a bill in the Legislature for the

Non-Election Elections Do Not Promote Civic Involvement

OP/ED Have you given up your opportunity to vote for write-in candidates for certain local boards, such as the Board

Capitol Report, March 11, 2011

MPANewsBook: Statehouse News for MPA Members Go to for the latest version. + can't charge his travel expenses to other

Capitol Report, March 4, 2011

This is the weekly Capitol Report from the State Government Reporting Program of the Missouri School of Journalism. Use

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