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In Foundation News On

Contributions are 100% Tax Deductible! 

Missouri Press Foundation is conducting a year-end fund drive. Letters from Foundation Board president Thomas Miller are being sent to Missouri Press members asking them to make tax-deductible donations or pledges of revenue from the sale of advertising space.
Funds are needed to continue the summer internship program and to pay for other Foundation projects. A special need at this time is money to help pay for tuckpointing of the Print Shop Museum in Arrow Rock. That project is estimated at $18,000.
The Foundation also contributes to all of the MPA regional associations to help them finance their annual meetings and activities.
It contributes to the Photojournalism Hall of Fame and provides funding for other special projects and
programs throughout the year.
The Foundation asks all Missouri Press members to consider a gift before the end of the year and to sign up for Foundation Builders or one of the other membership levels of giving.
The Foundation’s work is important, but it can’t do that work without the financial help of Missouri Press members and associates.
Consider a generous gift to the Foundation in your year-end giving and in your planned donations throughout 2008.

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