Category: Missouri Press News

The Missouri News Network is going to break ground

Missouri News Network Contact: Scott Swafford Email: AND Contact: Mark Horvit Email: The Missouri News Network is going to break ground Share your story ideas for

Ad Series Promotes Importance of Public Notices in Newspapers

Missouri newspapers continue their efforts to ensure public notices remain in printed publications, as well as online at

’22 Legislative Reports: 2022 Session Concludes, Governor Now Must Take Action

The 2022 Missouri General Assembly adjourned its regular session on Friday, May 13. Per the state’s Constitution, the session

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NewzGroup, the company Missouri Press Service and Association works with for digital tear sheets, is no longer accepting print

Missouri Press Advertising and Marketing Executives Wants Your Feedback!

MPAME wants your feedback, input, thoughts Missouri Press Advertising and Marketing Executives is looking for feedback from ALL Missouri Press

Two Outstanding Young Journalists to be honored

Reporters for The Northeast News in Kansas City and the Jefferson City News Tribune have been selected to receive

’22 Legislative Reports: Week 17: Senate, House on Fast Pace as End of Session Nears

The Constitutional deadline for approving the new state budget is 6 p.m. Friday, May 6. This week the Senate

’22 Legislative Reports: Week 16: Short Week, Budget Moving, Omnibus Bills on the Horizon

The Easter Holiday, observed Monday, resulted in less than three days of House and Senate activity before adjournment on

’22 Legislative Reports: Week 15: Budget Work Continues in House, Senate

The House of Representatives has completed its work on the supplemental budget (House Bill 3015), the FY 23 budget

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