Help needed with judging Wisconsin contest online

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In October Missouri Press Association will judge the Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s Better Newspaper Contest.

WNA members judged our contest in Madison this spring. It’s time to return the favor.

Most of the judging will be done online. Judges will be assigned categories and given instructions on how to proceed. They will have about two weeks to complete the work, which can be done at the newspaper office or at home.

Missouri Press would like to get 80 judges. Every judge will receive a $10 discount on the 2013 Missouri Press Better Newspaper Contest.

Online judging has become friendlier than it was a year or two ago. It’s easy, judges don’t spend time and money traveling to a judging site, and they can type their comments for the winning entries — no handwriting!

A few of Wisconsin’s contest categories that require entire issues or large amounts of content — like General Excellence — will be delivered to judges.

All volunteers are asked to send their names and email addresses and their preferred categories for judging to Kristie Williams at MPA,


Judge sign-up form


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