National Newspaper Week from Mark Maasen

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National Newspaper Week is Oct. 6-12, Make Plans to Promote Your Newspaper!

Dear Missouri Press members,

Our Executive Director is this year’s chairman of National Newspaper Week, Oct. 6-12, 2019, the annual recognition of the service of newspapers and their employees across North America and which is sponsored by Newspaper Association Managers.

A content kit for the 79th Annual National Newspaper Week can be found online at

The content kit contains editorials, editorial cartoons, promotional ads and more; all available for download at no charge to daily and non-daily newspapers across North America. Of particular note is Missouri’s contribution to this year’s content kit, including items from Jack “Miles” Ventimiglia of the The Richmond Daily News and The Excelsior Springs Daily Standard; Kathy Kiely, Lee Hills Chair in Free Press Studies at the University of Missouri School of Journalism; and John Darkow of the Columbia Missourian.

This year’s theme is “Think F1rst — Know Your 5 Freedoms”

PLAN TO CELEBRATE National Newspaper Week by downloading these materials and devoting as many column inches as possible to reinforce the importance of Newspaper to your communities.

PLEASE ALSO MAKE IT LOCAL by editorializing about your newspaper’s unique relevance. This can be about your duties as government watchdog, your role as a community forum and coverage of community events, publication of timely public notices, etc.

Additional materials for use by newspapers promoting NNW will be posted on the website as they become available so be sure to check back before the week of Oct. 6-12.

Mark Maassen, Executive Director
Missouri Press Association

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