New Contest Entry Website for MPA Contests! Best Ad Contest Open Now!

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Editorial and ad contests using new template for ’24
Best Ad Contest Is Now Open!

Deadline: Jan. 30, 2024
Association Code: MOPRESS (case sensitive – all caps)

Each year dozens of Missouri Press Association member organizations enter the editorial and advertising contests with the hope their work will be recognized and awarded by their fellow journalism and marketing colleagues.

Beginning with the 2024 Better Newspaper Contest and Best Ad Contest, Missouri Press will replace the template newspapers use for uploading entries. The new template for both contests is operated by Illinois Press Association and used by many other newspaper organizations throughout the country.

Overall, the method for uploading your entries will not change much, according to Missouri Press’ Member Services Director Kristie Fortier, but there are important things to remember as the transition to a new contest template takes place.

“The same basic rules still apply, such as combining entries into one file to make them easier for judges to view and providing login information for items behind a paywall, but we understand there will be an adjustment period for newspaper staffers who were used to the previous template,” Fortier said.

Rules for the Best Ad Contest, which opened in November and runs through the end of January, and the Better Newspaper Contest, which will open in late January and go through early April, are slightly different. It is important to refer to the individual contest’s rules for specific guidance.

If you have judged another state association’s contest in the past, you might have some experience with IPA’s Advanced Contest Entry System (ACES).

“Maybe the most important thing to start with this change is becoming familiar with the template as soonas it opens, or as soon as you’re done reading this, in the case of the Best Ad Contest currently underway,” Fortier said. “I think it would also be helpful for newspapers that only enter the editorial contest to get logged in during the ad contest so they can see how the template works.

“And who knows, if you enter some advertising entries in the Best Ad Contest template, you might win,” Fortier added.

Your login information for the prior contest template will not be valid for the ACES template. Instead, you will create a new password when you register your newspaper with the website and begin submitting entries for each template. By familiarizing yourself with the contest templates early, Fortier said a newspaper’s staff can work through any issues they have with uploading their entries and get questions answered in a timely manner.

So why change the contest template? Fortier explained the cost of the previous system was increasing too much to not have to raise the price for newspapers entering each contest.

“One of the greatest joys we have as staff of Missouri Press Association is seeing members’ work celebrated and awarded by their fellow newspaper people from all around the country,” Fortier said. “Our editorial and advertising contests draw thousands of entries each year, so it is important that we continue to offer a way for our members to be recognized and respectful of the other rising costs they experience in operating their newspapers.”

The Missouri Press Advertising and Marketing Executives Best Ad Contest is now open and more information can be found on Page 5 of this month’s Missouri Press News.

If you need more help or guidance with logging into the new contest template, or have questions about the upcoming Missouri Press Foundation Better Newspaper Contest, please reach out to Fortier at

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