New Revenue Finder’s Compensation
The Missouri Press revenue-generating committee has outlined a "finders fee" system to reward those who bring business to Missouri Press Service.
Any Active Member’s sales staff is eligible to receive commissions from new client ad revenue brought to Missouri Press.
A new client is an advertiser that has not placed a media buy with Missouri Press for two years or more.
Compensation can work two ways:
1. Finder’s fee for new advertisers introduced to MPS that work directly with MPS or through an advertising agency, the sales person making the introduction receives a 3% commission on the first ad buy.
2. Revenue share for new advertisers brought to MPS and that work through the member’s ad rep for placement in all publications on the ad schedule, the sales person making the sale receives a 5% commission on each ad buy as long as the salesperson continues to be the client’s main contact (for all publications) and no ad placement agency is used.
Placement that includes the Kansas City Star, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Springfield News-Leader or Joplin Globe will not receive finder’s fee on those newspapers’ ads. The revenue share on those newspaper ads will be 2%.
There is no compensation on non-member publications’ ads.
How do you "bring" a client to Missouri Press? How do you know if this client would be "new"? Contact Greg Baker, Missouri Press Ad Director at 573-449-4167 or