Capitol Report

This is the weekly Capitol Report from the Missouri School of Journalism's State Government Reporting Program. Use the material

Online Video: The Time is Now!

Online Video: The Time to Invest is NowBy Randy Bennett, NAAIn February 2008, Internet users viewed 10 billion

Advertising during a Recession

Here's Why Advertising During A Recession Is Good Business                      by Robert Evans Wilson, Jr.                         © 2008, Robert Wilson    A

meet your board members: vicki russell

MEET YOUR BOARD MEMBERS: Vicki S. RussellBorn in Chillicothe, MO. She graduated from Chillicothe High School in 1968

In Wake of Earthquake: Here are Reminders

Missouri Earthquake Response and Safety Information             Jefferson City-On Friday April 18, many areas of Missouri experienced the aftershocks of

Passed and Failed.. 2010 Legislative Session

MPA Bills of Interest Filed in Jefferson City                                   January 2010 The 2010 session of the Missouri General Assembly convened on

Turning your weekly into a “daily Paper”

Weekly papers can be ‘daily’ onlineBy Gary SosnieckiThe phone call from the U.S. Postal Inspection Service came on

Help Keep Foundation Solid!

Contributions are 100% Tax Deductible! Missouri Press Foundation is conducting a year-end fund drive. Letters from Foundation Board president

MPA provides another online money-making opportunity

Missouri Press recently partnered with Dot Connect Media (DCM) to expand the online revenue opportunities available to you

NAA launches political advertising web site

In the past decade, the importance of political advertising has become more and more relavent to the newspaper industry.

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