Use student editorials to recognize Sunshine Week, March 13-19

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In anticipation of Sunshine Week, March 13-19, Missouri Press Association, with the help of its partners, is making available several resources to help its members celebrate the access to information we have and inform the public about what the law means for them.

Resources available this year include editorials from students in Clyde Bentley’s class at the University of Missouri in Columbia. There are several editorials available in one document and short biographical information about the author, along with a picture for some, is available at the end of each editorial.

Get the editorials here.

Also available is a cartoon from Columbia Daily Tribune artist John Darkow. The cartoon is available for you to publish freely.

Get it here.

Finally, a Sunshine Week feature is available for newspapers to publish through Newspapers in Education. The feature, titled “Let the Sun Shine In,” is loaded with information about Sunshine Week.

“Let the Sun Shine In” was funded by the Missouri Sunshine Coalition. Visit to learn more about this nonprofit organization working to educate all Missourians about their rights and responsibilities under the Sunshine Law.

To access both the feature and editorial cartoon, visit and use the download code sunshine.

If you have any questions, contact Dawn Kitchell, MPA’s educational services director, by email at or by phone at 636-932-4301; or contact Matthew Barba by email at or by phone at 573-449-4167.

Find additional editorials for MU students here. More Sunshine Week_editorials

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