World War I feature now available to use

In Newspaper Features, Newspapers in Education, NIE News On
- Updated


On April 6, 1917, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution declaring war on Germany, sending America into World War I. 

Missouri Press Foundation, in partnership with the National World War I Museum and Memorial, is releasing a series of four Newspaper In Education features providing a historical look back on the conflict that was intended to be “the War to End all Wars.”

The first feature in the series addresses the U.S. entry into World War I, including American Neutrality, U-Boats and the Lusitania and the unifying efforts back home. A companion teacher guide is being created for each feature, aligned to Missouri’s learning standards.

This series was delayed by the National World War I Museum and Memorial, but the first feature is now being released just in time for this week’s commemoration. A new feature in the four-part series is scheduled to be released each week through April, along with the corresponding teaching resources.

To download the first half-page feature in the World War I series, visit and use the download code: WorldWarOne.

For more information, contact Dawn Kitchell, MPA Education Director, or 636-932-4301.

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