Your input is needed on the 2017 Better Newspaper Contest Committee

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The Missouri Press Association is looking for volunteers to participate on the Better Newspaper Contest Committee to review the rules and procedures for the 2016 contest in preparation for the 2017 contest.

All of the committee’s work will be done by email and telephone, so you can participate without leaving your office. Usually one conference call, lasting about an hour, is conducted to discuss possible changes.

Missouri Press would like to get the contest rules, categories and entry procedures distributed to newspapers soon, so everyone has plenty of time to gather and upload entries to the contest template.

If you can help, please email MPA editor Matthew Barba. If you can’t, but you have some thoughts or suggestions about the contest, please send an email to

The Newspaper Contest Committee needs people from large and small dailies, large and small weeklies; publishers, editors, ad reps, designers, photographers, others. All are welcome.

***Please reply ASAP so we can get the committee started***

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