eBulletin for February 7, 2024

In Bulletin, Missouri Press News On
- Updated


View the eBulletin here: https://s3.hatchbuck.com/WebTemplates/bab622d90b36496ba5ad07c42ddbfb55.html

— County financial statements must run in full

— About 8 weeks left until the April solar eclipse

— Remember! $6 entries for BNC until March

— Newspaper Hall of Fame, young journalist award nominations due March 31

— Is your newspaper using Digiversity.tv, EYPP?

— Tell Congress how you feel about changes at USPS

— Attend the Missouri Photo Workshop free

— A digital copy of your newspaper is required

— Promote public notices in newspapers

— News companies reverse course on hard subscriptions

— Trusting News: A guide to staff bios

— Local newsrooms staffed entirely by students

— Make your pledge to Missouri Press Foundation

— Expert columns provide inspiration, training

— Resources you can use

— Help Wanted / Marketplace


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