El Dorado Springs on ad seminar schedule

In Association News On

Another date has been added to the schedule of Political Advertising Seminars being presented by Greg Baker, Missouri Press ad director. A workshop will be held this Friday, Dec. 9 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Wayside Inn Museum, 119 W. Spring St., El Dorado Springs.

These seminars are FREE for Missouri Press Association member newspaper staffers in the area. Attendees will be given information on money-making opportunities, ad schedules, copy, political advertising disclaimer law and powerful reasons to help you sell more advertising to candidates and issue advocates. In addition, results of the latest Missouri Post-Election Voter Survey will be presented.

See https://mopress.com/election_survey.php

These workshops will prepare you to approach local candidates before they begin advertising to show them why they should advertise in your newspaper. We want to work together to get more political ad dollars in newspapers.

Here is the workshop schedule:
• Dec. 9—El Dorado Springs, 10:30a – 12:30p, Wayside Inn Museum, 119 West Spring Street.
• Jan. 11—Lincoln County Journal, Troy, 10a – noon.

Contact Baker at (573) 874-5894 or gbaker@socket.net if you plan to attend one of these meetings. Provide names of those attending and which workshop they will attend.
If your newspaper would like to be a sponsor of a workshop in your community, contact Baker. The only expense is for a meeting room (free rooms work great) and any refreshments you’d like to provide.

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