Sign up today to attend the 2014 Day at the Capitol! The Missouri Press Association and The Associated Press invite you to Jefferson City for a Reception with Legislators and/or Day at the Capitol and Lunch at the Governor’s Mansion on Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 12-13. Register today! It’s FREE!* Registration deadline is Feb. 7.
Tenative AGENDA:
Wednesday, February 12 | 1-4:00 PM MPA/MPS/MPF Board of Directors Meeting | Tulip Room | DoubleTree Hotel
5-7 PM – Reception with Legislators | Bella Vista Room | DoubleTree Hotel
Thursday, February 13
8 – 9:30 AM – APME Awards Breakfast | Hearing Room 6 | Capitol Basement Contact Connie White to register: or 816-421-4844 ($10 registration)
10 AM – Noon – MPA/AP Program | Hearing Room 6 | Capitol Basement
10AM Chief Justice Mary Russell of the Missouri Supreme Court
10:30AM State Auditor Tom Schweich
Noon – Lunch with Governor Jay Nixon | Governor’s Mansion. Lunch followed by Q&A.
2:00 PM Adjournment