Category: NIE News

NIE Training Aug. 29 in Columbia

Missouri Press will host a training session for newspaper staff members tasked with reaching out to young readers and

Newspaper Bench Raffle to Benefit Newspaper In Education

Raffle tickets are available now for a unique bench created from Missouri's newspapers. The bench will be raffled at

Time is Running Out!

Time is running out to use this year's serialized story, "Manny Kicks Long Ear Lore" at no cost through

Thank You Teachers!

Thank you to the thousands of teachers across Missouri who partner with their community newspapers to enrich the curriculum

Make April 22 a Big Muddy Earth Day!

April 22 is Earth Day and a new feature from Missouri Press will help educate your readers on the

Celebrate Spring

Today is the first day of spring! Thoughts (once they thaw) are turning to gardening. Have you checked out the

New Gardening Series Offers Great Opportunities for Spring

Warm weather gets folks thinking about gardening and new series from Missouri Press will have young readers using the

Happy Newspaper In Education Week

This week commemorates the value of the newspaper to young readers. Write an editorial, publish one of our guest editorials

College Students Provide Guest Editorials for NIE Week

Newspaper In Education Week is commemorated the first week in March. There are several new resources available to emphasize

It’s Reading Across Missouri Time!

This year's Reading Across Missouri story, "Manny Kicks Long Ear Lore," will delight readers of all ages as Manny

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